About Christia
My Wait Journey

My journey of waiting on the Lord to fulfill the desire He placed within me for marriage has been both long-awaited and beautiful. What do I mean by long-awaited? Well, I am thirty-two years old and have never had a boyfriend. Yes, I am aware my story is quite different from most Christ followers in the United States of America. Even so, I have never had an interest in having multiple romantic relationships. I desire ONE romantic relationship with the man whom the Lord deems worthy of my heart and me of his heart, and for said romantic relationship to lead to a Christ-centered marriage.
This long-awaited journey for the man whom God has for me has also been a beautiful one too. The thing about long-awaited desires is it presents the opportunity for us to watch our timeline of when we want God to give us our desire to come and go. For me, the closer my timeline came (which was to be married right after college), and the man whom God had for me had not arrived, the more discontent I became. In the middle of my discontentment, the Holy Spirit both gently and directly opened my eyes to the truth: it was not time, and I was not ready for marriage. The Lord has taken me on a journey through the years, opening my eyes to other truths in His Word, which I share throughout my blog. In addition, He has taught me how to be content and embrace the beautiful things about being a Christian single woman.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NIV).
My Calling Journey

When the Lord calls us to do something, there is a journey leading up to the call. As my wait journey continued in my early twenties, I became interested in reading various articles and blogs and interested in watching YouTube videos on how God brought different couples together. The reason? Because I was searching for a connection to people who had a similar wait journey to mine. What I found entailed couples who had a past of broken relationships and how not too long after their decision to wait for God, they met the person they married. It was wonderful to see how God showed those couples how their past does not define them. Still, I desired to read and hear stories, which included:
- One or both parties having not had a previous romantic relationship.
- One or both parties having experienced friends and family begin the romantic relationship God had for them at a younger age.
After a few years of unsuccessfully finding a wait journey like mine, I experienced a low point in my wait journey, and I wrote a letter of encouragement to myself. Through the letter, the Holy Spirit showed me He wanted me to use my gifts of teaching and writing to share my wait journey and the lessons He has been teaching me through His Word along the way. So, in February 2016, I created my blog Beloved Daughters in Waiting.
Our Journey Together

The journey of waiting on the Lord has its tough moments. Consequently, it is important, as sisters-in-Christ, we walk together on this journey of waiting on the Lord. Therefore, if you are having a hard time seeing the benefit of waiting for God, welcome. If you are desiring marriage and are thinking about settling, welcome. If you have been waiting on the Lord for a long time and are feeling anxious because there are no prospects, welcome. This is a space for you and me to read and study God’s Word, grow in our devotion to God, and wait on God together. My prayer is, as we continue our wait journey, we more and more discover how beautiful waiting on the Lord truly is.
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