Do not Go Thirsty

Summer is a time when many of us travel and go on vacation. For students, summer is where you get to enjoy the freedom of no classes, no assignments, and no exams. For those who have work, summer is an opportunity to take some time off work. Summer can be a season when the daily routine changes where we might get up and go to bed later. Summer can be fun, and busy. And, it can also be hot and humid, which is why we must keep our bodies hydrated. Yet, if we are not careful, summer is a time where we become dehydrated spiritually. It is a time where many Christ followers lose sight of the most important relationship we have—our relationship with the Lord.

I confess, there were many years where summer was this way for me. I was not consistent at all in spending time with the Lord. There were days where I would prefer to watch TV, sleep, or do something else rather than read Scripture each day. I let my feelings and my flesh dictate my actions. Did you know our flesh is powerful? In case any of us did not know or need a reminder of how powerful the flesh can be, look at the world, and its ways!

As a result of the Fall of Adam and Eve, mankind is prone to do what feels good rather than choose what truly quenches our thirst. What quenches our thirst? In John 4, Jesus has a poignant conversation with a Samaritan woman. This conversation is significant for different reasons. Some of which include:

  • Through this woman many other Samaritans come to know and believe in Jesus (John 4:39-42).
  • This conversation reaffirms what Jesus explained to Nicodemus in John 3 how Jesus, the Son of God came to save the world not just the Jews (John 3:17).
  • It is a reminder of how the Lord always does things in such a way that is unexpected, for His own disciples were surprised to see who He was talking to (John 4:27).

In talking to the Samaritan woman, Jesus declares the sole answer to quenching our thirst. Jesus says, “[B]ut whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14). When our bodies are thirsty, there are physical signals which tell us to go drink water. The same can be true of us spiritually. We have the Holy Spirit within us prompting us to come spend time with Him in the Word, to spend time with Him in prayer, to spend time with Him in worship, and to invite Him into everything we do throughout our days. The question is will we listen?

Friends, let us make the choice this summer to let this be a season where we choose to spend time with the Lord, for in Him we will never be thirsty.

All Bible verses are from Holy Bible: New International Version

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