Do not Worry

We all experience at one time or another worry. For some, you may be worried about how long you may have to wait for this pandemic to be over; others maybe you are worried about the injustices in our nation. Other things you might be worried about could be finances, your health, and your family and their health. Any kind of WORRY IS NEVER GOOD. Even though I know this, there are times where I look at my finances or student loans, and I still battle worry and anxiousness. Can you relate? The worrisome thoughts we have at times do not surprise God, for it is part of human nature since the Fall of man and woman in the Garden. Because of Jesus, we do not have to succumb to worrisome thoughts; instead, we can choose to shift our focus on who God is.

As mentioned in the previous post, throughout Scripture we learn about God’s character. In this post, we will continue our study of Matthew 6 with the final ten verses of the chapter. Jesus says,

The transitional word “Therefore” in verse 25 highlights this section is linked to the previous one. Jesus made it clear in verse 24: “You cannot serve both God and money.” Either God or something else is at the center of our lives, but it can never be both. When our hearts are centered on the Lord, then there is no need to worry as Christ followers. Why? Jesus states in verse 26, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Do you believe you are more valuable to God than the birds?

If you are struggling with your worth, look to the Cross. Jesus did not die on the cross for birds or plants. God the Father did not send His beloved Son for the birds or plants either. Jesus went to the cross for you. God the Father gave His Son so you could have the opportunity to be saved from paying the sinner’s debt through Jesus. This is how much He values you.

Although, as Christ followers, we know God values us on the grand scale, when it comes to the day to day matters in our lives, we wrestle with the thought: does He care? Over the past two years, the Lord continues to bring to my mind Matthew 6:25-34 in different situations in my life. Unsurprisingly, He has brought it back to mind as I prayerfully navigate a particular friendship. Trust is not something I easily give. Whenever I have given it in the past through sharing more of who I am with the person, it results in worry that I will end up being hurt and rejected, for hurt and rejection is an experience I have walked through in the past more than once.

When we are vulnerable, there is always the risk of being hurt, and chances are we have (or will) all experience hurt in some relationship. It can come from a friendship, a romantic relationship, a familial relationship, a church relationship, etc. The reality is none of us can have a real relationship with anyone unless there is vulnerability. The positive fruit of vulnerability between two people is the relationship grows deeper and stronger.

A deeper and stronger relationship will happen if we choose it in the most important relationship Christ followers will have, which is our relationship with the Lord. James 4:8a is clear we must, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” Then, what are some ways we can draw near to the Lord through being vulnerable with Him? Seek Him instead of feeding your worrisome thoughts by spending time in the Word. Talk to Him about your worries through prayer and journaling and give your worries to Him through worship.

The more time you spend with the Lord in the Word, prayer, and worship, allow the Holy Spirit to minister the truth in His Word to you. Allow the Holy Spirit to shift your perspective off your worries and onto Him. Will it mean the situation will change instantly or the what ifs go away? No; it will mean the more you get close to our Father’s heart, the more your mind will focus on the One who values and loves you more than anyone. He will provide what you need when you need it in a way which glorifies Him. He will take care of you. Seek and trust Him. Do not worry.

All Bible verses are from Holy Bible: English Standard Version and New International Version

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