Who Do You Serve?

Whether we are conscious of it or not, we serve someone or something in some capacity. For instance, there are men and women who serve their country in the navy, air force or military. Parents serve their kids by providing clothing, food, shelter, etc. Most if not all companies provide some form of customer service. Serving is something both nonbelievers and believers do. However, for believers, we are called first to serve God, but do we really serve Him? Do our daily actions, thoughts, words reveal we do not live the way the world does but live renewed in Christ (Romans 12:2)?

As believers, the answer to these questions oftentimes arises when God calls us to do something. When God put it on my heart to start blogging in 2016, I did not attach my name to my posts out of concern those close to me would not like it or be unhappy with the things the Lord led me to share. The struggle with wanting to be liked by others and pleasing those I hold near and dear has been part of me for years. Fast forward to 2020, and the Lord challenged me to not only attach my name but my face to my writing; some of the thoughts I had were what if those who know me don’t engage on my posts, does it mean they did not like what God gave me to share or they did not like what was said? Can you relate to situations change but the struggle at its core is still the same? Maybe for you it isn’t being liked or pleasing others. Maybe it is comparison, envy, judging others, doubt, insecurity, or lack of confidence.

Regardless of what we each struggle with when God calls us, our response in the face of the struggle determines who we truly serve. In my struggle over the years with sharing my writing, He brought to my attention Galatians 1:10, which says,

Even to this day there are situations both with writing and in life where thoughts of pleasing others come; even so, the more I do what God tells me in the face of it, the Lord strengthens me to do it again the next time He calls me to do something. I pray whatever it is God has been calling you to do you don’t hope for the struggle to go away before you do what He says. Face it head on, for God is going to hold you up as you walk through it. Then, watch how in the process you grow to become more Jesus’ obedient servant.

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