Heart of the Matter

The Bible teaches us about the character of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. In Genesis 1, we learn God is creative, and God is three in one. In 1 Samuel 15:7, we learn God focuses on the heart of humans rather than physical appearance. Throughout Jesus’ ministry, some of the characteristics we learn about God include He is giving, loving, patient, forgiving, our healer, our advocate, and He has no favorites, for He did not come to save the Jews only, He came to save people of all nations (Matthew 28:19).

In addition, the Bible also reveals to us areas in our lives the Holy Spirit wants to transform. The more we spend time with the Lord, the more He does a work within us. Transformation to be more Christlike does not end until we are in Heaven with the Lord.

For today’s post, we will look at Matthew 6:19-24. I pray as you continue reading this post, the Lord first opens your eyes more about His character, and two the Holy Spirit reveals to you an area in your life that may very well connect to these six verses. Before we read those verses, it is important to know a few details prior to Matthew 6:19-24.

  • Matthew 6 is the middle chapter of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7).
  • In Matthew 5, the sermon began with Jesus teaching His disciples for example, the Beatitudes, how He came to fulfill the Law, and loving your enemies.
  • At the beginning of Matthew 6, Jesus taught on giving to those in need, how to pray and fasting.

This brings us to Matthew 6:19-24. Jesus said,

What are these verses telling us about God? The answer is found at the end of verse 24, for “You cannot serve both God and money.” What do you think of when you read the word “serve?” What crosses my mind is a waiter/waitress. Depending on the time and day, you might have a different experience with your waiter/waitress at a restaurant. When it is not busy, the waiter/waitress is very attentive to serving the customer; they check in quite a bit to see if the person needs anything, they are quick to refill drinks, they ask if the customer is enjoying the food, etc. However, during a time the restaurant is busy, the waiter/waitress does not come by to check-in as often. Why? Because the waiter/waitress is busy working hard serving many other customers on a busy day, and as a result their attention is divided between multiple customers.

God will not accept your attention being divided between Him and something else for first place in your heart. God has always been clear about being number one in the lives of those who belong to Him. The first commandment God gave Moses states, “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Therefore, if your attention is divided between Him and something else, then God is not number one.

How can we know if God is truly first? Jesus brings up the heart in verse 21 as He said, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” When you think of treasure, what words do you think of? I think of valuable, precious, important and pirates. Pirates? Yes, Pirates. I am a huge fan of Disney; so, no surprise, I have seen Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean Film Series. In the series, the characters are on the hunt for a ship, a person, the Fountain of Youth, etc. The hunt consumed their thoughts and actions.

Jesus points out the root of what consumes our thoughts and actions: earthly treasures. What are earthly treasures? Jesus points out a big one in verse 24, which is money. It is important to note money is not the only thing we may put in the position God should be. In the Old Testament, there were people who worshipped gods and idols. For us, we might idolize a relationship, a job, serving in church, children, TV, celebrities, social media, school, politics, in addition to money. Is it bad to focus on work? If you have a hard time unplugging from work when you’re no longer at work, it has taken the first spot in your heart.

How about relationships? When I was ages eighteen to twenty, I was consumed with meeting the guy I would one day marry. I was extremely discontent as the years passed, and I still had not met him. Not long after I turned twenty-one, I cried out to the Lord wanting to know why it was not yet my time for the relationship I had long desired. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to the truth: it was not time, and I was not ready for the relationship. Over the last nine years, the Lord has shifted more and more my focus on to Him and not on the desire. I can say looking back now I recognize a big part of why I was not ready was because I had idolized marriage.

Is the Holy Spirit revealing something in your life you have put first before Him? Please know if the Holy Spirit is revealing things, you have been putting first, THE HOLY SPIRIT IS NOT CONDEMNING YOU. He is opening your eyes, so He can guide you in making the necessary changes to put Him back at the center of your heart. Surrender the area to Him and be patient. As it was a process for it to become number one, it will be a process for it to be removed for the Lord to return to His rightful place in your heart.

All Bible verses are from Holy Bible: New International Version

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